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Bearings can be used in operating temperatures

The JK0S series is particularly suited to applications where loadsare high, and speeds relatively low.

Examples include wheel bearings on agricultural machinery; supportrollers in forklift truck masts; and for cable sheaves and returnpulleys on cable cars.

When the bearing is assembled with an annular ring, the profiledplastic cage snaps into a slot in the extended outer ring and holdsthe bearing ring and the roller and cage assembly together.

After the bearing is fitted, there is no longer any contact betweenthe cage and the outer ring, therefore there is no wear of the cageduring operation.

The bearings can be used in operating temperatures from - 30C up to+110C, limited only by the grease and seal material.

For more information on the Schaeffler JK0S range of integraltapered roller bearings, please use the Processingtalk ReaderResponse Service. Request a free brochure from Schaeffler (UK) ...

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